We will be closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. As always, the emergency support line will be open.

Blog Articles for BTS Technologies

State of the Union for Technology in 2018

December 20th, 2017 by William Wentowski


Today we announced our predictions for the future of the technology sector. We are preparing business owners for the anticipated technology explosion in 2018, and one of the bases for this prediction is the growing number of employed individuals...

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Posted in: News

Make Me Smile!

December 19th, 2017 by Kim Reynolds

Password errors

Some pictures that made us chuckle, perhaps you'll enjoy them too! ...

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Posted in: News

Budgets and IT

December 19th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Finger touching virtual screen, dollar sign button

The end of 2017 is almost here. Many companies, ourselves included, are working on those pesky business details like end-of-year numbers and 2018 budgets. One line item that is often overlooked in those discussions is IT. No one ever wants to talk...

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Posted in: Managed IT, News

Carrier Chaos

December 19th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Frustrated man on hold

When was the last time you had to call ATT, Charter, or whoever about your telephone or internet bill? Remind you of a trip to the dentist with an added tension headache? Did you spend an hour on the phone searching for the right person or department?...

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Posted in: News

What's Up with the Wireless?

December 19th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Digitized Wireless Symbol

Oh where oh where has my wireless gone, oh where oh where can it be? Wireless working is critical. If yours is not, we can fix it. You used to have one device, usually an unbearably heavy laptop. Now you have a new laptop, a Smart...

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Posted in: Managed IT, News

WatchGuard Gold!

December 19th, 2017 by William Wentowski

WatchGuard One - Gold Partner

BTS recently became a WatchGuard Gold Partner! I know what you are thinking too. "BTS sold a bunch of firewalls; but do they know what they are doing with them?" The answer is yes! WatchGuard only awards Partnership levels through training and demonstrated...

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Posted in: News

New Faces at BTS

December 18th, 2017 by Kim Reynolds

Michael Gendreau

Michael Gendreau, Special Projects Manager Michael Gendreau joined the BTS team on December 4, 2017. An experienced Finance and Operations Manager, Michael will be serving as BTS' Special Projects Manager. Michael was born in Milwaukee, WI, but has...

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Posted in: News

Slow Internet

December 18th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Laptop sitting on loading screen

It happens to all of us… Poor connection, not enough speed, can't get work done, and business is at a standstill. Call BTS for a no-cost technology review. We can solve slow internet and get you the speed you need. Call the Speed...

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Posted in: Managed IT

KRACK Attacks: What You Need to Know About WPA2 Vulnerability

December 18th, 2017 by William Wentowski

WPA2 Vulnerability

WPA2 is widely regarded as the industry's most secure wireless encryption protocol. However, on October 16, 2017, the US-CERT announced several vulnerabilities in the WPA2 encryption implementation in clients and AP. Collectively called KRACKs (Key...

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Posted in: Cyber Security

Reviewing Your Service Providers

November 2nd, 2017 by William Wentowski

business professionals sitting at table

With all the recent mergers and acquisitions across the communications industry, we've issued a recommendation to customers -- Beware of predatory carrier representatives out there using scare tactics! They will tell you that your provider is no longer...

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Posted in: Managed IT

Increased Demand for Cloud Workspace After Hurricanes Irma and Harvey

October 23rd, 2017 by Technology Assurance Group

Cloud Workspace

Unfortunately, hurricanes Irma and Harvey had an historic destructive impact on SMBs (Small to Mid-sized Businesses) in Florida and Texas. Many companies in these areas were either destroyed completely or severely damaged by mother nature. In the wake...

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Posted in: Hybrid / Remote Workforce, Press Releases

HD Video Conferencing

October 7th, 2017 by William Wentowski

HD Video Conferencing

The way we do business today is ever changing, office arrangements are less formal, with staff working remotely or while mobile. In order for businesses to remain connected and productive, video conferencing has become commonplace in the office....

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Posted in: Managed IT

BTS Certifications

October 1st, 2017 by William Wentowski

Certificate of excellence wrapped in a red ribbon

BTS Field Engineers Caleb Lyman and Matt Buyck recently received three NEC SV8100/SV9100 certifications. Congratulations, Caleb and Matt! BTS technicians also earned several new WatchGuard certifications in recent weeks. We are proud of their achievements...

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Posted in: News

BTS' Roger Wentowski to Speak at Continuum Navigate 2017

September 30th, 2017 by Kim Reynolds


BTS Technologies' own Roger Wentowski III has been invited to speak at this year's Continuum Navigate conference in Las Vegas on October 3rd. Presenting at Navigate is a huge honor, especially in the IT industry. There he will be...

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Posted in: News

Make Me Smile!

September 30th, 2017 by Kim Reynolds

latest technology

A related phenomenon is Call Service Syndrome: when the problem inexplicably solves itself (at least temporarily) as soon as you get on the phone with BTS Service (205-290-8301)! These kids and their...

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Posted in: News

Did You Know?

September 30th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Laboratory notebook scrawls

Alexander Graham Bell "DO---YOU---UN---DER---STAND---WHAT---I---SAY?" Below is an excerpt from Alexander Graham Bell's March 10, 1876, laboratory notebook entry describing his first successful experiment with the telephone. Everyone knows...

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Posted in: News

Cyber Security, It's Scary Out There

September 30th, 2017 by William Wentowski

cyber security

We could make this a spooky Halloween themed article. It would get a few laughs, have some cheesy puns, and would be a grave (ha!) disservice to our customers. Companies are not doing enough for their cyber security, and it's not a corny joke. (sorry)...

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Posted in: Cyber Security

Guest Wi-Fi, The Most Valuable Marketing Tool for Physical Businesses

September 30th, 2017 by Kim Reynolds

WiFi symbol coming out of the palm of a hand

Learn how introducing WiFi can benefit both your customers and your business » Free Wi-Fi for Your Office! Until the end of 2017, BTS is offering a free Wi-Fi trial for your office! Many companies...

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Posted in: News

7 Signs It's Time to Upgrade to Cloud Communications

September 30th, 2017 by William Wentowski


Most enterprises are leveraging cloud services in some capacity. Among the most common uses is data storage, but what about communications? Recent research from IDC finds that while IT spending for on-premise infrastructure is still high (above...

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Posted in: Managed IT

Cybersecurity Certification

September 22nd, 2017 by Technology Assurance Group


BTS a leading provider of unified communications has announced that the company is certified to provide cybersecurity solutions to SMBs (small to mid-sized businesses) to protect them from the barrage of cyber-attacks that occur every day. Cybercrimes...

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Posted in: Cyber Security

Wireless Access Point for Your Business

August 31st, 2017 by William Wentowski


More businesses are making the step towards offering customers wireless access, especially now that it is more cost-effective and secure. Not only are customers more likely to stay longer at your business when they can connect to Wi-Fi, but you can also...

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Posted in: Managed IT

Educating Businesses on the Importance of 4G Backup

August 17th, 2017 by Technology Assurance Group

We announced today that we will be launching an awareness campaign to educate small to mid-sized business (SMB) owners about the importance of having a 4G backup plan in their organizations. With the vast majority of business owners virtualizing their...

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Posted in: Managed IT, Press Releases

Get Our Latest E-Book

July 26th, 2017 by William Wentowski


As part of our larger efforts to help customers combat cyber threats, we are sharing our e-book - "5 Common Disasters that Strike Small Businesses." It is a quick overview of the, you guessed it, most common ways business data is stolen, damaged...

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Posted in: Cyber Security

Stay Informed about IT Threats

July 12th, 2017 by William Wentowski


You may have recently seen reports on the news discussing recent IT attacks and malware prevention measures. These specials aim to inform and help protect users from inadvertently spreading threats or falling into cyber traps. We've also been sharing...

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Posted in: Cyber Security

Red, White & Brew Food Truck Fest - Tuesday 4-9pm 7/4/17

June 28th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Red, White & Brew

BTS will be at the Red, White & Brew Food Truck Fest on the 4th of July and we have extra tickets to give away! If you would like to go, contact the main line or your sales rep and ask for tickets. Have a beer, grab some food, chat with the BTS...

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Posted in: News

Comprehensive Support for our Customers

May 17th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Here at BTS Technologies, we don't believe that customer support ends after the installation. Our business is focused on providing the best in telecommunication systems and services to our customers. This includes helping you with any questions or issues...

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Posted in: Managed IT

One Month Trial for Wireless Access Points

April 5th, 2017 by William Wentowski

wireless internet

We're offering a limited one month trial offer for our business customers from April through June: a wireless internet Access Point (AP) for your business. Try it out for a month, without any obligations to keep it! We bet you'll be happy with the secure...

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Posted in: Managed IT, News

Toshiba is Shutting Down Telecommunication Systems Division

March 29th, 2017 by William Wentowski

The word NEWS in multicolored text floating in front of a great background filled with code, indicating the importance of Toshiba shutting down its telecommunication systems division

Toshiba Corporation is shutting down their Telecommunication Systems Division. It is effective March 21, 2017 and by May 22, 2017 they will no longer be shipping inventory to their dealers. They will also waive early termination fees to transition off...

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Posted in: VoIP, News

Easy & Secure Cloud Access

March 16th, 2017 by William Wentowski

cloud devices

Just like the title says, nowadays everyone expects easy and secure access to the internet and their favorite applications. This is especially important for businesses trying to get the competitive edge. Through our partnership with CloudJumper, we...

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Posted in: Managed IT

Keeping Phone Systems up to date in Alabama

February 6th, 2017 by William Wentowski

Old style rotary phone next to a pen and a pad of paper

It can be very tempting to push potential issues and maintenance to the future, so you don't have to deal with them today. While we understand that your business phone system isn't your biggest priority, here at BTS we want to stress the importance...

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Posted in: VoIP, Managed IT

Rest Easy with a Good Recovery Plan

January 10th, 2017 by William Wentowski

A natural disaster, fire, or even a downed power line can mean days of lost business and high costs to set up emergency servers and IT systems. Customers can't reach you, and everyone is scrambling to recover data and resources. We've dealt with these...

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Posted in: Managed IT

View of downtown Birmingham, Alabama from Vulcan Park

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