Comprehensive Support for our Customers
May 17th, 2017 by William Wentowski
Here at BTS Technologies, we don't believe that customer support ends after the installation. Our business is focused on providing the best in telecommunication systems and services to our customers. This includes helping you with any questions or issues you might have. If something is unclear when you are operating your business phone system, just gives us a call. We can send out a trainer, or a technician if something is malfunctioning. For our Managed IT, Managed Voice, and C-TAP customers, you can even expect extra training and assistance without a spike in your billing. While these plans differ in level of support, all customers can rely on BTS to provide professional, swift assistance for their voice and data issues.
Have an emergency or need help right away? Don't email, call us right away! If you leave a message, you'll get a call back from a technician in the next 30 minutes. It's the fastest way to reach us, even during the holidays or on weekends. For emergencies, we've set up a twitter alert - @btst_alerts - to help keep you informed if a system has crashed. You can follow us to get updates.
If you're working with us for your phone system, call us for any issues! You deserve on-going system service and support. Training, programming, or answering whatever questions you have - that's what we're here for.
Posted in: Managed IT