Why Setting KPIs Are The Key to A Successful Remote Workforce
October 21st, 2020 by Brian Wakefield

How does a business verify that their home-based workforce is actually working? Rather than installing software onto your employees’ home work stations that enable you to track their every mouse movement and keyboard stroke, establishing proper Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is a much easier and less intrusive way to ensure work is being done.
KPIs allow you to receive clear indicators of how much and what work employees are accomplishing, without requiring direct supervision. These indicators show how much work has been completed and compares against how much work was set out to be done. Employees are able to more clearly see their goals and how they are improving against them, which can positively impact morale. Hitting their KPIs each week gives a sense of ownership over their work, as well as clear evidence of their contribution to the team. When compared to the looming feeling of their boss knowing every key they press during their workday, establishing proper KPIs is clearly a better route to ensuring that remote workers are properly completing their workload.
Now a lot of other things go into setting up KPIs for your remote workforce. There are the technical parts, like building out your database and the management part of it. That's where BTS's expertise and technology comes into play, as we answer any questions you have on how to set up KPIs. Get the partner who not only helps you figure out how to manage your remote workforce but gives you the technology needed to set them up for success.
Posted in: Hybrid / Remote Workforce