We will be closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. As always, the emergency support line will be open.

Should You Pay the Ransom?

April 23rd, 2019 by William Wentowski

A man whose face is obscured by darkness, with random bits of data and code floating around him.

At BTS Technologies Inc. we work diligently to ensure that our customers are never hit with ransomware with our innovative firewall and preventative measures. But what should you do if you are hit with a ransom, and should you ever just pay the ransom? You would be surprised how many businesses fall victim to just forking over the money for a ransom, only to be hit again or never even get their files back.

So, if paying the ransom is dangerous and not beneficial, then what should you do? Here are things that should be in place with your IT systems to prevent those malware creators from winning:

  • Consistent Data Backup – over 80% of victims of ransomware successfully recover their files by merely having a daily, constant data backup.
  • System Monitoring – A good monitoring system will alert if there is ever any unusual activity. Our SleepEZ data backup and recovery solution provides you with 24/7/365 monitoring.
  • Cybersecurity and Firewall – This can not only detect but stop threats in their tracks.
  • Preventative Measures - We also offer services like proper employee training on email and online safety.

Having a disaster plan for your business in case of attacks, outages or any other threat to your data is vital. We want to make keeping your business safe, simple, easy and affordable with our disaster and data backup solution that fits your needs.

Posted in: Cyber Security

View of downtown Birmingham, Alabama from Vulcan Park

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